The best start in life

Welcome to Scoil Mhuire Junior School. We are a girls only, private, primary, Catholic school. Our rich, broad and balanced curriculum gives each girl the opportunity to reach her full potential.


It is my pleasure as Principal to welcome you to the Scoil Mhuire Junior School website. We are very proud of our school and pupils. Our rich, broad and balanced curriculum gives each girl the opportunity to reach her full potential. We hope that these pages will give you a small insight into our various activities and how we educate the girls academically and socially, offering them all-round personal development.


Ka Lingwood, Principal



If you would like to apply for a place in the Junior School, please fill out the application form and return to the school by email or by post to:
20 Patrick’s Place, Wellington Road, Cork.


 If you would like to apply for a place in the Senior School, please fill out the application form and return to:
Scoil Mhuire Cork, 2 Sidney Place, Wellington Road, Cork


Latest News

We had a lovely morning listening to relaxing music, thanks to our music students.

Ag ceiliúradh seachtain na Gaeilge agus St. Patrick with Céilí Beag agus craic le Cois Laoi Productions.

Great fun getting our little courtyard planted up. Thank you to the parents’ council for their great support as always!

Both 4th and 5th class girls won first prize in their class categories in The Discover Cork Schools’ Heritage Project 2025. Well done to you all!!

World Book Day was celebrated in school today. The girls brought in props to depict their favourite book or character. They also discussed the best way to enjoy a book, the best place to read a book and their favourite lines, they could remember.

The educational tour at Fota Wildlife Park was much more than a fun day out. The children were challenged  to think about their own lifestyles, and practices, such as recycling and reusing which can be seen in action throughout the Park. Children develop a new understanding of these practices when they see the impact they have on the natural habitats of so many amazing creatures around the world, and we believe that this translates into a desire to take greater care of the world and it’s natural resource

On the 4th of Februaury, the girls performed ‘The Marvelous Land of Oz’ in the Everyman Theatre, Cork. It was an invaluable experience which allowed the girls the opportunuity for collaborative learning, creative project work and building confidence.

Santa Claus is coming to


The girls from 4th, 5th and 6th classes sang their hearts out at the Motonotte Care Choice Home. Enjoyed by all. Thank you Ms. Odorici

Celebrating 70 years at Scoil Mhuire Junior School, the girls presented ‘Carols by Candelight’ at Holy Family Church, Military Hill on Thursday December 12th.

5th class with their teacher Ms. L Curtin presented a project on the History of Mc. Curtain Street. It was viewed by historian Danielle O’Donovan and Katherine Fitzpatrick of the Victorian Quarter and had many viewings on Linkedin. It has now been entered into Cork HIstory School Project competition, so fingers crossed for a positive outcome!!

The whole community at SMJS did a great job in raising funds for LauraLynn Children’s Hospice, Ireland. We have already passed our target, well done all.

As is tradition our 6th class girls put up the Christmas tree and decorated the landings and stairway. One comment overheard from a 6th class girl” at last it’s our turn to put up the tree”- they have been waiting 8 years for this privilege.

On other news the smallest of our girls, the Junior Infants sent a letter to Santa asking for a classroom elf, and sure enough Chocolate the Elf arrived in good mischievous spirit!!

Emerson putting up her lovely decorations that she made at school.

The girls had a fantastic experience at the chess championship recently. It was a very professional and competitive setting and well run by all involved!

Carolina won two games, Khiara and Olivia won one each, all the girls received participation medals.

They all had a very enjoyable day.

The girls had a great day jumping at the Maryville Interschools competition on October 6th. Well done to Abbie, Ali, and Erica!

The girls had great fun helping the Nutty Scientists conducting experiements for Science Week Ireland 2024.

The girls had a great morning at Mercier Bookshop, St. Luke’s. We learned how a book was made from the story to illustrations to editing to binding.

Pizza Making

The girls from 6th class Junior School had great fun in the cookery room across the road in Scoil Mhuire secondary school, making pizza with Ms Healy and Mrs Lingwood.

“My favourite thing about the pizza was grating and sprinkling the cheese onto the pizza” ~ Sophia, Ellie & Gemma

“I loved the smell of the sauce” ~ Ella, Sofie & Grace

“The smells of the sauce, basil and pizza. The taste of it was amazing! One of the best pizzas I’ve ever tasted”~ Orla, Isla

“My favourite part of making the pizza was kneading the dough because it felt really nice and relaxing. I also loved the smell of the fresh basil and of course eating it because it tasted so good! I had so much fun making it” ~Martina, Eala, Shona, Holly & Ada

“Enjoying the yummy pizza afterwards with all my friends” ~ Rebecca & Lexi

Halloween Assembly

Spooky things happening on Wellington Road today…

Scoil Mhuire Junior School were delighted to welcome the Lord Mayor of Cork, Dan Boyle to our school today.

Jerseys for Goal

545 euro raised

Some Scoil Mhuire girls engaging in Walk to School Week 2024.

Green-School’s National Walk to School Week is a celebration of walking, active transport, and sustainable solutions to congestion outside schools around Ireland.

The Green-Schools Travel Programme works in partnership with schools to promote active, sustainable travel on the journey to school. These are focused on giving students and the school’s wider community the tools to change habits, build better ones and create a school environment that is accessible and enjoyable for all.

Information Morning

Scoil Mhuire Junior school will hold an information morning for parents of girls enrolling September 2025.

Tuesday, 16th of October from 9:30am to 10:30am.

Enquiries: 0852131689

All the girls, from Juniors to Sixth class had a great time planting bulbs for our courtyard, this week.

All the girls, from Juniors to Sixth class had a great time planting bulbs for our courtyard, this week.

A big thank you to all the parents and children for your generous offering of food which was delivered to Penny Dinners on Thursday

Back to School

Junior and Senior Infants, playing ‘Duck, duck, goose’ with the sixth class girls.

Cork City Sports

The girls did us very proud by bringing home plenty of silver!

Thank you Miss O’Leary for all the training.

Our School Tours

All of the girls at SMJS enjoyed a fantastic day out for their school tours. Junior Infants to Second class took the train to Fota Wildlife Park while Third to Sixth class had a great day out at Ballyhass in Coachford!

  • Sports Day 2024

    The girls at SMJS had a great day out for Sports Day. They took part in a variety of different races such as the egg and spoon race, sack races and bean bag races. The girls enjoyed ice-cream and watching the 6th class fancy dress!

Second Class Assembly

Second Class researched Irish Garden Birds for their assembly. They told us fascinating general facts about birds around the world, including how they eat and sleep. Each girl researched an Irish Garden bird and presented their individual project which included facts about the bird, their Irish name and associated folklore. They sang a beautiful traditional Irish lullaby called Éiníní and related the traditional song Trasna na dTonnta to the Spring return to Ireland of Winter migrating Irish Garden birds. 

Each girl created a paper mache model of her project bird and painted a beautiful picture of their subject.

Senior Infant Assembly

Senior Infants did their assembly all about Space. They recited a lovely poem called ‘The Planet Roll Call', completed four experiments and performed a song. They showed the audience how crators on the moon are made, what astronauts eat in the International Space Station, how spacesuits protect astronauts in Space and how gravity works!

Today, Ms Odorici’s afterschool students performed one of the pieces they prepared for their LAMDA exams in front of the whole school and their parents. The big audience didn’t intimidate these seasoned performers!
We were treated to an amazing display of talent, ranging from singing, to acting, to verse speaking.

Congratulations to all the girls on the results they achieved through their hard work.
We wish them best of luck on their impending exam!

25th April - Drama Morning

Engineering Week March 4th - 8th 2024

SMJS has applied to the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) whole school "GOLD" award. SMJS documented lots of photos of experiments,investigations and inquiries that all classes carried out during this week. We are awaiting our award!!

Third Class Assembly

The 3rd class pupils presented their assembly on "Irish Women and Girls in STEM". The pupils began by researching their own individual scientist and each gave a wonderful speech on their chosen scientific topic. Then the pupils demonstrated experiments through the different letters of the S.T.E.M acronym. The experiments ranged from creating Carbon Dioxide, Oobleck (Non-Newtonian fluid), building Solar Ovens & fruit powered Clocks, making Kaleidoscopes, exploring Health Hygiene and showcasing the modern engineering technique of 3D printing. The pupils finished their presentation with the wonderful rendition of the song "Top of the World " by the Carpenters. 

Maryville Interschool Showjumping Competition

We were delighted to have Abbie O’Neill representing SMJS at this recent competition. Well done Abbie for doing us proud!

Grandparents’ Day

The girls had great fun chatting and asking loads of questions to grandparents and older friends on Grandparents’ Day. Of course our guests enjoyed a nice cuppa thanks to the Parents’ Council.

Ski Trip 2024

Photos of the very succesful recent ski trip to Austria

  • World Book Day 2024

    The girls in SMJS enjoyed celebrating their favourite book or character by wearing one identifying item to school. The girls in Junior and Senior Infants have been taking part in shared reading with their ‘older sisters’ in the Secondary school. We are very grateful to the chair of the Parents’ Council for the beautiful gift of ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ by Charlie Mackesy for each classroom.

The girls from Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First class enjoyed a day at The Glucksman Gallery, UCC. The girls worked on a project called The Big Dig a print making workshop using their imaginations on the types of artefacts and objects that could be found on an archaelogical dig!!!

First Class had their assembly today.

They told their parents and the other classes all about The Water Cycle!

  • UCC Teddy Bear Hospital

    The Junior and Senior Infants had a great time at the teddy bear hospital organised by UCC’s Medical Society. The girls had the opportunity to have their teddy bears x-ray’d, bandaged and much more! They had a great time!

Fun at the Glucksman Gallery

The girls from 2nd and 3rd class attended a collaborative drawing workshop to tell imaginative stories from the past.

  • Happy 2024 to Everyone!

    The girls in SMJS have settled back into school nicely and are working hard on Maths problems, Junk Kouture fashion, Science and much more!

Looks like all the girls and teachers at SMJS are on the good list!!!!

Important Dates


Autumn/Winter Term 2024
Thursday 29 August –
Friday 20 December

Finish at 12 noon on 29 August

Junior Infants start Friday 30 August at 10.00am

School will remain closed on Friday 28 September

Mid term break:  
Monday 28 October – Friday 1November


Spring Term 2025
Monday 6 January –
Friday 11April

Mid term break:
Monday 17 – Friday 21 February

St Brigid’s Public Holiday: Monday 3 February

St Patrick's Day Public Holiday:
Monday 17 March.


Summer Term 2025
Monday 28 April –
Friday 30 May

May Day Public Holiday:
Monday 5 May


 “My daughter has been given space to blossom and grow her own distinct personality while maintaining a keen awareness of others.”