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SMJS Ski Trip 2-9 March 2024
29 pupils and three teachers on the trip of a lifetime……..Flight Cork to Munich, coach Munich in Germany to Ehrwald in Austria, 6 days, 4 hours skiing lessons per day, evenings full of fun, snow, mountains, sunshine, back to Cork fully fledged skiers!
Every second year, our school organises a week’s ski trip for pupils in 5th and 6th Class. The skiing is always great and the children learn so quickly it would take your breath away. The big adventure however, is travelling with friends and teachers rather than with your family. It is a big challenge for both sides to face, families and pupils, but the experience and sense of achievement is rewarding and in terms of personal development for the children, it is worth its weight in gold.
December the 8th
The girls of SMJS wore their Christmas jumpers today in aid of LauraLynn Hospice Foundation.
Head Girl Lolly put the angel on the Christmas tree!
Deputy Head Girl Síofra handing the angel to Lolly.
Cork Airport 2023
The girls sang their hearts out at the airport welcoming all the passengers to Cork. Ms. Odorici made it all look so simple!
What a lovely surprise when we came back after mid-term. A parent from Senior Infants had completely transformed our front and side gardens! Senior Infants and First class were inspecting it today.
5th Class Special Assembly
5th class with their teacher Ms. Cogan recently visited Cobh and the Titanic Experience. They put together a beautiful project which they then showed to the whole school and their parents and guardians. We were all very impressed!
More than 100 boxes were collected by the children and parents of SMJS for The Hope Foundation!

Spooky Times on Wellington Road October 2023