2nd Class Spring Assembly

The girls in 2nd Class held a special assembly on the theme of Spring.

The girls worked as a team to construct and paint various elements to create a spring scene in their classroom.

They created a beautiful display of a cherry blossom tree with daffodils which they made using maths symmetry.

They also learned about animals in woodland habitats and researched and presented projects about native and non-native trees in Ireland.

The girls also each created a fabric collage which was integrated in a lovely St. Brigid's cloak. They used the cloak as they enacted a play to retell the story of St.Brigid to the school and parents. 

And some Kindinsky inspired hearts. The girls learned about colour mixing and the artist Wassily Kandinsky. They used wax resist and watercolour.


Chinese New Year in 1st Class


St Vincent de Paul