Art and Science in 4th Class


Painting in the Style of artist Georges Seurat, using the Technique of Pointillism. 

 This Art lesson was linked to our work in Geography and SPHE. Through the study of Our Local Area and the theme of Belonging we looked in detail at The Cork Coat of Arms and what its motto represents. 

We began by sketching in detail Cork's Coat of Arms and discussed what each feature represents, clearly reflecting its motto "Safe Harbour for Ships."  

 We discussed the technique of Pointillism, painting with dots, as used by French artist Georges Seurat. 

The girls began by painting their colour wheels using the primary colours with only one tool, cue tips. The girls were amazed to see how effective this art technique can really be. 

 The class then went on to paint their Cork Coat of Arms using only cue tips and the three primary colours! The girls showed great skill in using the technique of Pointillism to add colour to their Cork Coat of Arms. 

Our STEM Lesson on the theme of Bridges!

 As part of our cross curricular activities, in Geography 4th Class began by exploring bridges in our Local area of Cork City, followed by investigating in our science lessons the different types of bridges and the engineering techniques used in their construction. 

 Stem learning in Full Action proved most informative and enjoyable for the girls, immersed in the skills of collaboration, investigation, discussion and testing! 

 Bravo Girls!


 In celebration of this time of the year, 4th Class explored the festival of the 'Day of the Dead' and its significance, in particular for children. 

 The girls’ Skulls are decorated with intricate patterns and bright vibrant colours as traditionally used during this festival, symbolising a celebration of life!


6th & Street Café


Hallowe’en Fundraisers