Author Padraig Kenny online visit 2 March 2022

We were delighted that Padriag Kenny, author of Tin and The Monsters of Rookhaven and other titles for children, gave us an online session about his work as a writer and a question/answer session with 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes.

Many of the girls had read The Monsters of Rookhaven with their teacher in preparation for the session.

Padraig explained how he became an author and his love of books as a child. 

Padraig displayed the front cover of his novels and the girls had lots of fun guessing which language the title was written in.

 The girl's were so engaged and Padraig commended them on the brilliant questions they had ready for him.

 It was a fantastic event and we thank Padraig Kenny for visiting Scoil Mhuire Junior School.


World Book Day - 3 March 2022


Ash Wednesday