Cork International Choral Festival - 27 April 2022

Mrs O’Brien entered our choir for the Primary School section of this festival at a time when we could only keep our fingers crossed that the pandemic would allow us to proceed. It did and the competition took place in City Hall on Wednesday.

The girls looked absolutely perfect on stage and sang their two pieces even more beautifully. It was quite an emotional occasion as it is such a long time since we have congregated in person to enjoy choral music.

Our choir won the coveted first prize amongst the primary schools participating. They also won the Sing Ireland Trophy which is a special award for the performance of a piece in the National Competition for Schools. In other words, our choir out-performed all of the schools, primary and secondary, with their rendition of ‘I Am A Small Part of the World’.

We are all very proud of them and very grateful to Mrs O’Brien who trained and conducted them and to Niamh Quigley who accompanied them for their performances and rehearsals. We must also thank Nerea García who has been an enormous help during rehearsals.


The Sacrament of Confirmation 2022


Dúlra trí Gaeilge - Rang a Sé - 26 Aibreán 2022