Sacrament of Confirmation
6th Class received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday 14 March in St Patrick’s Church.
It was a beautiful ceremony which was presided over by Bishop Buckley, Fr Eoin and Fr Marius. Scoil Mhuire Junior School 6th Class were Confirmed along with the 6th Class pupils from Christian Brothers Prep, Scoil Éanna and St Luke’s National School.
Mrs O’Brien, Scoil Mhuire’s 6th Class teacher, organised all of the musicians and singing as well as preparing her own class for the Sacrament.
Bean Uí Ríordáin, Scoil Mhuire College Manager, said that it was the most beautiful Confirmation ceremony that she had ever attended and she has definitely been at more than most of us!
Miss O’Donovan would have been very pleased with our 6th Class.
6th Class with their teacher Mrs Maeve Ann O’Brien, Bishop Buckley, Fr Eoin and Fr Marius
Bean Uí Ríordáin, Scoil Mhuire College Manager with Hayley Mills Tarr, Head Girl (Feb-June) at the Confirmation