Christmas Hockey

We played a Christmas tournament with six teams taking part from both 5th and 6th Class; Trickie Dickies, Snowie Bowie’s, Mittens, Speedy Sam’s, Noisy Nods and Prancer’s Dancers.

Trickie Dickies and Noisy Nods were joint winners! Some lovely bags of treats were given out after the tournament to all players.

Three players received extra treats from the coaches. Ruby (6th), Eirin (6th) and Misha (5th) were selected based on stand out positive attitudes, attentiveness and overall improvement of hockey skills.

The coaches (Maria Twomey, David Egner and Steven Scanlon) would like to thank all the players, they are an absolute pleasure to coach and we love their enthusiasm every week at hockey.

Thank you to Lizelle Mills and the parents for all the organising.

Wishing you all a Happy Christmas!


About to score?

Christmassy Hockey Group


AIJS Photography Competition


Advent and Christmas preparations