First Confession - 9 March

2nd Class were scheduled to be in St Patrick’s Church for 11am on 9th March to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The weather was dreadful, very cold and with snowy slush falling.

A small miracle then happened, Fr Eoin and Fr Marius said they would come to the school instead of us all walking down there and getting soaked and cold on the way.

Senior Infants lent us their room and 2nd Class, their teacher Ms Curtin, some of their parents, and the two priests were able to enjoy the whole occasion together without discomfort. Two children from St Luke’s School and their parents joined us.

Fr Eoin spoke to the class about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and asked them questions about it. He was delighted with how well prepared they were. Fr Eoin and Fr Marius then heard the girls’ First Confession individually in separate spaces that we organised for them.


SMC Fundraising Lunch - 5 March 2023


Diabetes Day